January 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM - January Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Invocation
3. Establish a quorum
4. Recognize Visitors / Public Forum
5. Approve the minutes of the previous meeting
6. Construction update with Jay Boynton of BWA Architects and Eric Berry of Berry and Clay Construction.
7. Consider approval of cash disbursements and financial statement
8. Consider approval of Policy Update 116: CQB(LOCAL): Technology Resources - Cybersecurity; DCD(LOCAL): Employment practices - At-Will Employment; FFA(LOCAL): Wellness and Health Services - Medical Treatment; GKA(LOCAL): Community Relationns - Conduct on School Premises
9. Superintendent's Report
10. Conduct Closed Session
10.A. Discuss Real Property
10.B. Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
11. Consider recommendations regarding Superintendent's contract.
12. Consider to adjourn