July 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Invocation
3. Establish a quorum
4. Recognize visitors
5. Public Forum
6. Approve minutes of the previous meeting.
7. Review and discussion of bond project value engineering and architect responses and suggestions with Danny Berry, Danny Taylor, and Lorenzo Navarrete.
8. Construction update from Danny Berry and Danny Taylor of Berry & Clay construction.
9. Consider approval of the GMP amendment to the CMAR contract with Berry and Clay.
10. Consider approval to contract with Anderson, Marx, & Bohl for 2018-2019 annual financial audit.
11. Consider approval of the purchase of K-8 instructional materials through Pearson Education for the new English Language Arts and Reading adoption.
12. Discuss and consider the approval of changes to the Frost ISD compensation plan.
13. Consider approval of cash disbursements and financial statement.
14. Consider approval of budget amendments.
15. Superintendent's Report
16. Conduct closed session
16.A. Personnel
16.A.1. Resignations
16.A.2. Contracts
17. Consider any action from closed session
18. Consider to adjourn