February 13, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Invocation
3. Establish a quorum
4. Recognize visitors
5. Approve minutes of the previous meeting.
6. Call for the School Board of Trustees Election (May 5, 2018).
7. Discuss and consider an order by the Board of Trustees of Frost Independent School District calling a bond election to be held within said district; making provisions for the conduct and giving of notice of the election; and containing other provisions relating thereto.
8. Consider approval of Interlocal Agreement for 2018-2019 with Region 10 Education Service Center Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative.
9. Presentation about the construction at-risk delivery method by Berry & Clay Commercial Construction.
10. Discuss and consider the selection of a construction delivery method for potential bond project.
11. Consider approval of resolution to initiate the process for Frost ISD to become a District of Innovation.
12. Consider approval of cash disbursements and financial statement.
13. Superintendent's Report
14. Conduct closed session
14.A. Personnel
14.A.1. Administrator Contracts
14.B. Discussion of Real Property
15. Consider any action from closed session
16. Consider to adjourn