June 30, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
1.C. Roll Call
1.D. Announcement by the Presiding
Officer that a Quorum of Board Members is Present; That the Meeting has Been
Duly Called; and That
Notice of the Meeting has been Posted
in Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings
Act, Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551.
2. Open Forum for Public Comment
3. Disbursements
3.A. Consideration for Approval of Final, Year-End Disbursements
3.B. Consideration for Approval of Board Member's Disbursements (If Any)
3.C. Consideration and Approve Budget Amendments (If Any)
4. Recess Open Meeting
5. Convene Budget Hearing
6. Adjourn Budget Hearing
7. Reconvene in Open Session
8. Present for Discussion and Adoption the Budget for the 2014-2015 School Year
9. Present for Discussion and Action a Resolution to Commit Fund Balances in Accordance with GASB 54 Regulations
10. Present for Discussion and Action the Region 16 ESC Contracts for the 2014-2015 School Year
11. Present for Discussion and Adoption the Proposed Tax Rate for the 2014-2015 School Year
12. Closed Session
The board may retire to Closed Session anytime between the meeting's opening and adjournment for the purpose of deliberating business authorized under Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Chapter 551, Sub-chapters D or E, or Government Code, Section 418.183 (f), Texas Government Code. ACTION (IF ANY) ON ITEMS CONSIDERED IN CLOSED SESSION TO BE TAKEN IN OPEN SESSION
12.A. Personnel (551.074)
12.A.1. Report on Resignations and Retirements (If Any)
12.A.2. Discuss and Consider Staff/Personnel Needs (If Any)
12.A.3. Discuss Hiring to Fill Open Staff Positions (If Any)
12.A.4. Discuss Superintendent Vacancy
12.A.5. Other Personnel Matters (If Any)
12.B. Action (If Any) on Items Considered in Closed Session to be Taken in Open Session
13. Adjournment