May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and declaration that a quorum is present
Pledge of Allegiance to United Sates and Texas Flags
Public Comments
Consent Agenda
Minutes of April 19, 2021 and May 10, 2021
Financial Report
Investment Report/Tax Collection Report
Reports and Activities
Superintendent Reports
Discussion, Reports, and Action Items: Formal action by the Board may be taken on those items listed below as "ACTION ITEMS." The Board may however choose not to take action on such item.
(ACTION) Consideration and possible action to adopt Board Policy CCGB (LOCAL) related to Ad Valorem Taxes and Economic Development
(ACTION) Discussion on 313 Proposal from Solar Energy Company and Moak Casey
(ACTION) Consideration and possible action to initial review of the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property submitted pursuant to Texas Tax Code Chapter 313 by Talitha Energy Project LLC and authorizing Superintendent to engage Moak Casey and Associates as financial consultant and Walsh Gallegos as legal counsel for review of the Application.
(ACTION) Consider Plan to Utilize ESSER Funds
(ACTION) Consider Bank Depository Contract
(DISCUSSION) Review of Salary Schedules for Region 2
(ACTION) Consider Masks in OGISD during summer months
(ACTION) Consider Authorizing Superintendent for Summer Hiring
(ACTION) Consider 2nd Grade Move to Primary Building for 2021-2022
(ACTION) District Plan to Improve Locker Room Supervision
(ACTION) Consider Employee Resignations
(ACTION) Consider Employment Recommendations