February 22, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Regular Session
1.A. Call to order
1.B. Establish Quorum
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.D. Prayer
2. Open Forum
3. Recognition
3.A. Elementary
3.B. Middle School
4. Reports, Information, Review Items
4.A. Financial Update
4.B. Superintendent's Report
4.C. Elementary Report - Debbie Cooper
4.D. Middle School Report - Matt Endsley
5. Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Consideration of Board Minutes
5.B. Consideration of Monthly Voucher List
6. Action/Discussion Items
6.A. Consider Approval of Administrator Contracts
6.B. Consider purchase of 35 chromebooks for teachers out of ESSER III funding.
6.C. Consider Acceptance of Monies Donated by the Red Lick Education Foundation for Teachers Grants for 2021-2022
6.D. Discuss Superintendent Goals
6.E. Discuss board opening
7. Adjourn