November 17, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum.
2. Students & Staff Achievements/Recognitions
3. Public Comment(s)
4. Canvass the Board of Trustee Election Results
Position #3 Chris Hajovsky 720 Dwayne Taylor 579 Position #4 Jamie Bures 715 Rebecca Reid 592 Position #6 Susie Pape 848 Cindy L. Bures 465 |
5. Statement of Office and Oath of Office
Statement: This is a statement that each elected Board Member swears that they have not been directy or indirectly paid or offered any money or thing of value for their vote.
Oath: this is the Oath the elected Officials take to be sworn into office |
6. Closed Session: Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
7. Open Session: Action to be taken on the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of previous meeting
8.b. Purchase orders
Jackson Central Appraisal District $25,581.85 Roloff-Hnatek $26,800.00 |
8.c. Donations
No donations at this time
8.d. Reports, Bills, and investment reports
9. Administrators' Reports
9.a. Strategic Planning Presentation
9.b. Presentation of the School Safety and Security Audit
9.c. Planning Calendar
10. Consider and Possibly Approve the Purchase of Chromebooks
11. Consider and Possibly Approve the Early Resignation Incentive
12. Consider and Possibly Approve the Amendment of Local Policy EIF
13. Consider and Possibly Approve the District Plan and Comprehensive Guide for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students
14. Closed Session: Personnel Update- this includes discussion of the Superintendent's evaluation (Gov't Code 551.074); Consider and possibly Approve Implementation of Security Devices or Security Personnel (Gov't. Code 551.076) EOP
15. Open Session: Action on any items discussed in closed session
16. Adjourn