January 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Invocation
I.B. Establish a Quorum
I.C. Public Comment / Open Forum
II. Recognitions
II.A. Employee(s) of the Month
II.A.1. Angela Carmona, Sandra Carbajal, and Krista Baird
II.B. School Board Recognition
III. Consent Item(s)
III.A. Approve Minutes of December 17, 2020, Regular Meeting
III.B. Ratification of Bills
III.C. Year-to-Date Tax Revenue Analysis
III.D. Year-to-Date Budget Function Compilation
III.E. Investment Comparison Calendar Year-to-Date
III.F. District Financial Report
III.G. Acceptance of Gifts or Donations
IV. Information and Announcement Item(s)
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.1. District Enrollment
IV.A.2. Substitute Report
IV.A.3. Board Training / Team of 8 - Feb. 4th
IV.A.4. EMMA app
IV.A.5. Safety Protocol Update
IV.A.6. 2021-2022 District Calendar
IV.B. Assistant Superintendent's Report
IV.B.1. Construction Update
V. Action/Discussion Item(s)
V.A. Approve Order of Election for May 1, 2021 School Board Election
V.B. Approve Election Judges
V.C. Consider and approve Student Transfer List E
V.D. Review and Approve District Financial Audit for 2019-2020
V.E. Consider and Approve Policy Update 116
V.F. Consider and approve Budget Amendments
V.G. Consider and Action on turf upgrade proposals and selection of contractor
V.H. Update and Discussion of Staffing Patterns, Extra and Co-Curricular, and Instructional Programs
V.I. Discuss and Consider Action on Capital/Facility Improvement Projects and Needs
V.J. Consider and Approve Resolution Regarding Authorizations of Certain Designated School Employees to Carry and Store Firearms on Spearman ISD property pursuant to Board Policy CKC (LOCAL)
VI. Executive Session/Closed Meeting - Texas Open Meetings Act
VII. Reconvene Into Open Meeting
VII.A. Action, if any, which may be appropriate from Closed Meeting
VIII. Adjournment