February 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order and determine a quorum - Presiding Officer
Pledge of Allegiance, Reflection, Welcome
2. Special Recognition – Presenter Dr. Bonewald
2.A. Marlayna Zachary-Region 13 Assistant Principal of the Year
3. PUBLIC FORUM - Presiding Officer
4. Information Items
4.A. Texas State University - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Grant Opportunity- Lori Pharis and Dr. Kelly Clary
4.B. Strategic Plan Update: Priority 1- Empower Student Excellence- Dara Brooks, SueAnna Thomas, Christi Moeller, Ryan Wilkes
5. Action Items
5.A. Discuss and Consider Approval of Letter of Intent to Collaborate with Texas State University on Grant Proposal
6. CFO's Report - Chief Financial Officer, Moises Santiago
6.A. Financials
6.B. Check Register
7. Board President Report
8. Superintendent's Report
9. Consent Agenda - Presiding Officer
Discussion and necessary action - The following items may be considered for approval in part or in entirety.
9.A. Student Enrollment and Attendance
9.B. Minutes of the Regular Meeting- January 22, 2024
9.C. 2024-2025 District Calendar
9.D. Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During Emergency School Closing
9.E. Accept a donation from The Wimberley Texan Athletic Booster Association given to the Wimberley Athletics Department
10. Closed Session - Presiding Officer
The Board may adjourn into closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 et seq. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
10.A. Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits. Texas Gov't Code §551.076 and §551.089
10.B. Personnel Matters. Texas Gov't Code §551.074
10.B.1) New hires/terminations/employee discipline
10.B.2) Consider one-year extension of District and Campus Administrators Contracts
10.C. Deliberation Regarding Real Property. Texas Gov't Code §551.072
10.D. Consultation with Attorney. Texas Gov't Code §551.071
11. The Board will reconvene and take possible action on items discussed in executive session - Presiding Officer
12. Prepare for next meeting - Presiding Officer
Discussion to include, but not limited to: Set date, time, and place of next meeting, upcoming agenda items
13. Adjourn - Presiding Officer