June 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Special Recognition
1.A. Custodian, Maintenance, Technology Teams - Successful Graduation!
2. Public Forum
Board President
The next item on the agenda is Public Comment. Before we begin, I will remind our audience of the Board of Trustees' Public Comment rules:
* Persons who wish to present public comments must sign in before 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and list his/her name; name of the group that he/she represents; and agenda item * Each speaker's submitted comments will be allowed three minutes for presentation to the Board, with six minutes granted to a person with a translator. A group of five persons or more shall appoint one speaker who will be allowed 3 minutes for public comments * The same rules will be observed for public comments on non-agenda items with the following exceptions, 1) public comments on non-agenda items will only be scheduled for regular meetings of the Board and 2) the total time that will be allowed on non-agenda public comments will be 30 minutes. * Please keep your comments or criticisms civil and courteous. * Please also avoid using profanity and refrain from making personal attacks on others. * Except for the speaker's student, no other student's name or identity should be discussed. * If you have a concern that you would like heard and resolved, please present your concern through the District's grievance policies. Grievance forms can be obtained at the Central Administration Office or on the District's website. * Trustees are not permitted by law to respond or discuss public comments. However, the Board President may direct a speaker to the appropriate administrator for further discussion. |
3. Consent Agenda
Board President
Discussion and necessary action - The following items may be considered in part or in entirety.
3.A. Acceptance of Agenda
3.B. Budget Amendment
3.C. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, May 18, 2020
3.D. Minutes of the Called Meeting, May 20, 2020
3.E. Approve Bond expenditures
3.F. Waiver - Missed School Days
4. Bond update
Bob Farmer
5. Purchase of bus
6. Reports - Discussion and necessary action to include, but not limited to:
6.A. Health and Safety
6.B. CFO's Report - Moises Santiago
6.B.1) Financials - May 2020
6.B.2) Check Register - May 2020
6.B.3) Quarterly Investment Report
6.C. Superintendent's Report - Dwain York
6.C.1) Preliminary 2020-21 Budget Assumptions
Dwain York, Moises Santiago
6.C.1)a) Action - Adult/Visitor Meal Price Increase
6.C.2) Preparation for the 2020-21 school year
6.D. Board President's Report - Joe Malone
6.D.1) Agenda calendar
6.D.2) TASB Advocacy Resolutions
6.D.3) Option to nominate a Board member to serve on TASB Board, Region 13, Position B
7. Closed Session
Board President
The Board may adjourn into closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 et seq. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
7.A. Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits. Texas Gov't Code §551.076 and §551.089
7.B. Personnel matters. Texas Gov't Code § 551.074.
7.B.1) New hires/terminations/employee discipline
7.C. Deliberation regarding real property. Texas Gov't Code § 551.072.
7.D. Consultation with Attorney. Texas Gov't Code § 551.071
8. Action on items discussed in executive session
Board President
9. Prepare for next meeting - Discussion to include, but not limited to:
Set date, time, and place of next meeting, Upcoming agenda items
Board President
10. Adjourn