February 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Special Recognition / Thank You
2. Consent Agenda
Board President
Discussion and necessary action - The following items may be considered in part or in entirety.
2.A. Acceptance of Agenda
2.B. Budget Amendment
2.C. Student Enrollment, February 15, 2017
2.D. Minutes of Regular Meeting, January 16, 2017
2.E. Minutes of Special Meeting, January 13, 2017
2.F. Minutes of Special Meeting, January 30, 2017
2.G. Minutes of Special Meeting, February 7, 2017
2.H. Minutes of Special Meeting, February 13, 2017
2.I. Minutes of Special Meeting, February 16, 2017
2.J. Textbook Committee - Language Other Than English
2.K. Textbook adoption for Language Other Than English
3. Citizen's Comments - At regular meetings the Board shall allot 30 minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak other than the character of any student, staff, board member or board appointed committee membership. No presentation shall exceed five minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. The Board may not discuss any matter that is not listed on the agenda,
except to direct information to the appropriate channels for resolution.
Board President
4. Approval of limited scope contract with architect for
CTE modular building |
5. A&M Survey on drug and alcohol awareness and use
Darelle Jordan
6. Random Drug Testing Program, year-to-date update - Requested by Lori Olson
Dee Howard
7. Survey for Seniors
8. District of Innovation
Dee Howard
9. 2017-18 District Calendar as recommended by the DEIC Committee
Dee Howard
10. Incentive and initiatives for improvement in increasing our hiring options and applicants and in teacher training and mentoring
11. Purchase of Analytics 5 or similar program for data analysis
12. Transportation - replacing bus failed engines
Dwain York, Owen Baldwin
13. Reports - Discussion and necessary action to include, but not limited to:
13.A. Health, Safety and SRO Report
13.B. Principal's Report
13.B.1) Mid-Year Campus Improvement Plan Report
13.B.2) Advanced Placement
13.B.3) Danforth JH and WHS Course Book changes for 2017-18 school year
Greg Howard. Jason Valentine
13.B.4) San Marcos Civic Foundation to sponsor WISD Special Education teachers in professional development
Stephanie Norris
13.C. Curriculum Report
13.D. CFO's Report - Randy Rau
13.D.1) Financials
13.D.2) Check Register - January, 2017
13.E. Superintendent's Report - Dwain York
13.E.1) Legislative Update
13.E.2) Title IX Program, coordinator and training
13.E.3) Bond Oversite, Facilities, Strategic Planning committees
13.E.4) Auxiliary and Para-professional activity report
13.E.5) Technology Report - Update on Website
13.F. Board President's Report
13.F.1) Committee to meet and review Superintendent evaluation procedures and instrument for next year
13.F.2) Schedule for goal setting
14. Executive Session
Board President
The Board may adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071-551.074, 551.076, and 551.082-551.084. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
14.A. Consultation with attorney (Section 551.071) to include, but not limited to:
14.A.1) Pending Litigation
14.B. Deliberation regarding real property (Section 551.072)
14.C. Personnel matters (Section 551.074) to include, but not limited to:
14.C.1) Consider one-year extension of Administrators contracts:Dee Howard,
Randy Rau, Jason Valentine, Greg Howard, Andrea
Gonzales, Dara Richardson, Doug Warren, Stephanie Norris, Roz Simmons, Carey Soderstrom, Shad Scharlach, Susan Mc Dorman
14.C.2) Superintendent's Contract
15. Action on items discussed in executive session
Board President
16. Prepare for next meeting - Discussion to include, but not limited to:
Set date, time, and place of next meeting, Upcoming agenda items
Board President
17. Adjourn