June 9, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Update on bond package #3 (Myers Concrete Construction)
Dwain York
2. Discuss and approve change orders to the originial civil plan
3. Executive Session
Board President
The Board may adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071-551.074, 551.076, and 551.082-551.084. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
3.A. Consultation with attorney (Section 551.071) to include, but not limited to:
3.B. Personnel matters (Section 551.074) to include, but not limited to:
3.B.1) New hires/terminations/employee discipline
3.C. Deliberation regarding real property (Section 551.072)
4. Action on items discussed in executive session
Board President
5. Adjourn