February 20, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll call
2. Call to Order
3. Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Open forum
Please keep comments to 5 minutes.
6. Action Items:
6.A. Consider minutes from January 24, 2008 meeting.
6.B. January expenditures.
6.C. Budget amendment.
6.D. Consider tax exempt status to charitable organizations.
6.E. Consider approval of state waiver for additional staff development days for 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 school years.
6.F. Consider TASB Update 82.
6.G. Adjourn into executive session to discuss administrators' evaluations and contract resignations accepted by the superintendent. Texas Government Code 551.074.
High School Assistant Principal's evaluation and contract.
Athletic Director's evaluation and contract.
Alternative School Principal's evaluation and contract.
Elementary School Principal's evaluation and contract.
Middle School Principal's evaluation and contract.
High school Principal's evaluation and contract.
Assistant Superintendent's evaluation and contract.
6.H. Convene into regular session to consider resignations accepted by the superintendent and the following contract recommendatons:
High School Assistant Principal
Athletic Director
Alternative School Principal
Elementary School Principal
Middle School Principal
High School Principal
Assistant Superintendent
7. Information items:
7.A. Discuss district facility needs.
7.B. Review 2008-2009 school calendar.
7.C. 1st semester technology report.
7.D. Discussion of HS master schedule for 2008-2009.
7.E. 1st semester enrollment, ADA, and student revenue projections.
7.F. Date for employee appreciation dinner
7.G. Report on comptroller's property value study.
7.H. Review board agenda calendar.
7.I. Set date for March meeting.
8. Adjourn.