January 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. First Order of Business
1.A. Announcement by president that a quorum is present and the meeting has been properly posted
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognize Visitors
3. Public Hearing: Discuss West Rusk CCISD developing a local innovation plan to increase local control over the District operations and suppose innovation and local initiative (District of Innovation)
4. Reports
4.A. Board Recognition Month
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Recommend approval of December 13, 2022, regular board meeting, bills, payroll and investment report
6. Discussion and Action Agenda
6.A. Discussion and possible action on TASB Update 120 to review all (LEGAL) policies and approve (LOCAL) policies BBB, CB, CKC, FFI, FNG, FO
6.B. Discussion and possible approval of resolution to develop a District of Innovation Plan to increase local control over District operations and to support innovation and local initiatives. The adoption of this plan will increase the District's flexibility in order to improve educational outcomes for the benefit of students and the community.
6.C. Discussion and possible approval of Board Appointed Committee (District Advisory Council -DAC)
7. Executive Session and action resulting from session
7.A. Superintendent Annual Evaluation/Contract Extension
7.B. Employment, Resignations and Reassignments
8. Adjournment