February 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. First Order of Business
1.A. Announcement by president that a quorum is present and the meeting has been properly posted
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognize Visitors
3. Reports
3.A. West Rusk CCISD Education Foundation 2020 Financial Statement
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Recommend approval of the January 11, 2021 regular board minutes, bills, payroll and investment report
5. Discussion and Action Item
5.A. Discussion and possible approval to purchase a trailer for the Ag Department
5.B. Discussion and possible approval to add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the instruction sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 116: CQB, DCD, DCE, FFAC, GKA
5.C. Discussion and possible approval of the West Rusk High School Cheerleaders & Mascott Constitution
5.D. Discussion and possible approval of pom squad try out information
5.E. Discussion and possible approval of potential bond refunding for interest cost savings and take action to adopt an order authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds, establishing the parameters for the refunding and delegating authority to the administration
5.F. Discussion and possible approval to accept the Letter of Engagement from Mays & Associates, PLLC to conduct the 2020-2021 district audit
5.G. Discussion and possible approval of Konica Minolta contract
6. Executive Session
6.A. Approve contracts for assistant superintendent, director of business operations, student services director, food service director, principals, assistant principals, athletic director, band director, and school registered nurse
6.B. Employment, resignation and reassignments
7. Adjournment