April 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comments
5. Recognition of Students, Educators, and Support Staff of the Month
6. Items of Consent
6.A. Approve the Minutes from the March 11, 2014 Regular Meeting
6.B. Set May Board Meeting
7. Review Payment of March 2014 Bills
8. Tax Report, Cash Flow Statement, and Investment Report
9. Consideration and Possible Action to Hire the Underwood Law Firm to Provide Legal Counsel to the District Concerning a Limited Assessed Valuation Agreement
10. Deliberation and All Action Relating to Accepting for Consideration an Application for a Limited Assessed Valuation Agreement for Qualified Property Under the Texas Economic Development Act, Texas Tax Code, Chapter 313
11. Consider from the Authority Responsible for Preparing the Ballot the CERTIFICATION OF UNOPPOSED CANDIDATES in the Floydada ISD General Election
12. Consideration and Possible Action to Order the Cancellation of General Election and Declare the Unopposed Candidates Elected
13. Consideration and Possible Action to Rescind Termination of Probationary Contracts
14. Discussion of Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Timeline and Board Meeting Dates
15. Consideration and Possible Action to Address Gutter System at Floydada High School
16. Consideration and Possible Action on Policy Update 99, Affecting Local Policies (see attached list)
17. Discussion of Performance of Paraprofessional Personnel and Support Staff Members (Closed Meeting, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551-074)
18. Consideration and Possible Action on Employment of Paraprofessional Personnel and Support Staff for the 2014-2015 School Year
19. Confirm Accepted Resignations
20. Approve Employment of Personnel
21. Campus Principals' Reports
22. Superintendent's Report
23. Future Items for Discussion
24. Adjourn