November 9, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Consider acceptance of the Annual Performance Report/Annual Financial Report presented by Dale Newberry of Wilton, Newberry, Heidel, Leonard and Horton.
5. Presentations
5.A. Grimes and Associates
6. Review of October Bills, Financial Statement/Investment Report and the Tax Report.
7. Consent Action Items
7.A. Approval of the minutes of the October 12, 2009 Regular Board Meeting, the October 27, 2009 Public Hearing and the October 27, 2009.
7.B. Approval of Gloria Castillo, Amanda Foster and Elia Madrigal to the Teacher Substitute List; Maria Robles and Ruben Rodriguez to the Cafeteria Substitute List.
7.C. Approval of Update 86 (LOCAL) policies.
8. Action Items
8.A. Consideration and acceptance of letter of engagement from Wilton, Newberry, Heidel, Leonard and Horton as auditor for 2009-2010.
8.B. Consideration and approval of incentive stipends for HCISD employees.
8.C. Consideration and approval of the Resolution for Casting Votes for the Board of Directors for Hale County Appaisal District with 324 votes for Ronnie Sherrod.
8.D. Consideration and approval of $8,000 of Fund Balance for powerlifting, golf and tennis programs.
9. Administrators' Reports
9.A. Shannon Richmond, Curriculum Director
9.B. Joe Shaffer, Technology Director
9.C. Lynette Thomas, High School Principal
9.D. Christian Rabone, Carr Middle School Principal
9.E. Jackie King, Akin Elementary Principal
10. Superintendent's Report/Discussion Items
10.A. Facility and Maintenance Report
10.B. Superintendent evaluation and contract negotiation to be held in the December 14, 2009 Regular Board Meeting.
10.C. Board Christmas Party - December 12
10.D. Handbooks
10.E. Grievance Procedure Training
11. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session to discuss the following (TGCS 551.074)
11.A. Personnel (TGCS 551.074)
11.B. Exit executive session
12. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items:
13. Adjourn