November 19, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
3.A. Leticia Trevino--Youth Connection and Melissa Lawson--Worth the Wait curriculum
4. Discussion of site for HCISD Building Project.
5. Consent Action Items
5.A. Approval of the minutes of the October 8, 2007 Public Hearing; the October 8, 2007 Regular Board Meeting; the October 22, 2007 Public Forum and the October 22, 2007 Special Called Meeting.
5.B. Approval payment of October bills.
5.C. Approval of the following substitutes: Kelsey Griffin-teacher substitute.
6. Review Financial Statement/Tax Report
7. Action Items
7.A. Consideration and approval of the Resolution for Casting Votes for the Board of Directors for Hale County Appraisal District with 364 votes for Ronnie Sherrod.
7.B. Consideration and approval of Youth Connection and Worth the Wait curriculum.
7.C. Consideration and action of site for Hale Center ISD Building Project.
7.D. Consideration and authorization for superintendent to enter contract agreement for purchase of said land.
7.E. Consideration and approval of additional stipend for HCISD employees.
8. Superintendent's Report/Discussion Items
8.A. Facility and Maintenance Report
8.B. Enrollment: 582 (583 last month)
9. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session to discuss the following (TGCS 551.074)
9.A. Personnel (TGCS 551.074)
9.B. Exit executive session
10. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items:
10.A. Consideration of employment of Emily Jo Haltom, Akin, subject to assignment.
11. Adjourn