September 10, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
3.A. Lela Taubert: TAKS Data Presentation
3.B. Lindsey Goodsell, TAC
4. Consent Action Items
4.A. Approval of the minutes of the August 13, 2007 Regular Board Meeting, August 20, 2007 Special Meeting, August 28, 2007 Public Hearing and the August 28, 2007 Special Meeting.
4.B. Approval of the following additions to the Teacher Substitute List: Joe Armstrong, Maria Benavidez, Frances Flores, Sophia Harris, Kevin Kelly, Sharon Kester-Fair, Sallie Jimenez, Matthew Martinez, Rebecca Martinez, Sharonann Pellanne and Judy Gressett; additions to the Cafeteria Substitute List: Sharonann Pelanne, Maria Robles and Nell Rogers.
4.C. Approval of the following transfer students: Ky Miller-MS, Karlee Thomas-Akin, and Kora Thomas-Akin.
4.D. Approval of Carr Middle School Science Trip - May 2008.
4.E. Approval payment of August bills.
5. Review Financial Statement/Tax Report
6. Action Items
6.A. Consideration and approval of resolution for tax sale property as prepared by Underwood Law Firm.
6.B. Consideration and acceptance of bids for the following tax sale property:
6.B.1. OT HC Blk 99 Lot 26, 604 E. 6th.
6.B.2. OT HC Blk 110 Lot 6, 609 E. 6th.
6.C. Consideration and action of Student Cell Phone Policy and Body Piercing Policy.
6.D. Consideration and approval of purchase for Akin playground equipment from fund balance.
6.E. Consideration and approval of purchase order in excess of $25,000 for tractor.
6.F. Consideration and approval of 2007-2008 proposed administrative increases as presented.
7. Superintendent's Report/Discussion Items
7.A. Facility and Maintenance Report
7.B. Resolution concerning tangible personal property in transit.
7.C. Level 1 Update for experience board members (2 hrs) Sept. 25, 7-9 pm ITV Lab
7.D. TASB Convention Sept 27-30, 2007
7.E. Enrollment: 604 (634 last year).
7.F. Building Review Committee Update
8. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session to discuss the following (TGCS 551.074)
8.A. Personnel (TGCS 551.074)
8.B. Exit executive session
9. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items:
10. Board and Superintendent objectives, goals and vision.
11. Adjourn