April 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Agenda Review Session
Agenda |
I. Call to Order.
II. Recognitions.
II.A. Career and Technical Education.
Mr. Appleton
II.A.I. SkillsUSA
II.A.II. FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America)
II.A.III. FFA (Future Farmers of America)
II.A.IV. TPSA (Texas Public Service Association)
II.A.V. Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE).
II.A.VI. Vex Robotics.
II.A.VII. Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA).
III. Consent Agenda.
III.A. The Board will consider approval of the Budget Amendments.
Mrs. Irby
III.B. The Board will consider accepting the February Financials.
Mrs. Irby
III.C. The Board will consider approval of the Minutes of the March 6 Agenda Review Session and the March 20 Regular Meeting.
III.D. The Board will consider approval of the local policies proposed in TASB Policy Update 107 in second reading, for final approval.
Mr. McLean
III.E. The Board will consider approval of the Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) TEKS Certification /Textbook Adoption Committee.
Dr. Barton
IV. Regular Agenda.
IV.A. District-wide Behavior Supports Committee Report.
Mr. Villanueva
IV.B. Report on Potential Capital Improvement Projects.
Mr. McLean
IV.C. 2017-2018 Budget Overview and Preliminary Budget Discussion.
Mrs. Irby
IV.D. Strategic Planning Update.
Dr. Young
V. Closed Session: A closed session may be held under the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 including but not limited to Section 551.071, Section 551.072, Section 551.074, Section 551.076, and Section 551.082, and section 551.0821.
V.A. The Board may deliberate matters of Personnel, i.e. appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee. (Section 551.074)
V.A.I. Teachers and Other Professional Employment Contracts.
V.B. Consultation with Legal Counsel regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation and/ or Privileged Legal Advice. (Section 551.071)
V.C. The Board may discuss the value, exchange and/or disposition of real property. (Section 551.072)
V.D. The Board may discuss matters of Safety and Security. (Section 551.076)
V.E. The Board may discuss matters pertaining to Students necessarily involving personally identifiable information, e.g. Student discipline. (Sections 551.082, 551.0821)
VI. Reconvene from Closed Session; the Board may take action relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session.
VI.A. The Board will consider approval of Personnel Recommendations.
VI.A.I. Teachers and Other Professional Employment contracts.
VI.B. Matters pertaining to Litigation, if any.
VI.C. Matters pertaining to real property, if any.
VI.D. Matters pertaining to Safety and Security, if any.
VI.E. Matters pertaining to students, if any.
VII. Board/Superintendent Announcements/Information.
VIII. Adjournment.