April 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Consideration of Out of State Trip for New Caney High School History Fair
Consideration of Out of State Trip for Porter High School Theatre
Consideration of Out of State Trip for Porter High School Engineering
Superintendent Report
Open Forum
Closed Meeting
Personnel Matters [Government Code 551.074]
Consider, discuss and conduct Level 3 Appeal Hearing of the former Athletics Operation Coordinator
Deliberation Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease of Value of Real Property [Government Code 551.072]
Attorney Consultation [Government Code 551.071]
Reports and Proposals of Board Members
Consent Calendar
Consideration of Minutes
Consideration of Financial Reports
Accounts Payable & Cash Disbursements
Tax Report
Budget to Actual
Budget Amendments
Quarterly Investments
Consideration of Purchasing Reports
Consideration of Personnel Reports
Professional, Paraprofessional and Auxiliary: Resignations, Reassignments, Employment, Substitute List
Consideration of the Contract Status of Teachers, Professional Educators and Board Action, if Any
Consideration of Rehiring Paraprofessional and Auxiliary Employees for the 2023-2024 School Year
Consider Delegating Hiring Authority for Contract Personnel during Summer Months May through September to Superintendent
Consideration of Hiring Principal of Crippen Elementary
Consideration of Hiring Principal of Oakley Elementary
Consideration of Hiring Principal of Porter Elementary
Consideration of Instruction Reports
Consideration of Approval to Designate Local At-Risk Criteria
Consideration and Approval of the Adoption of Advanced Placement United States History Instructional Materials
Consideration and Approval of the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for the 2023-2024 School Year
Consideration of LOSA Agreement for TxDot Improvements for Porter Elementary School
Consideration of Revision to 2022-2023 Compensation Plan
Consideration of the 2023-2024 Compensation Plan
Consider and take possible action to pursue a sanction for contract abandonment by: (1) an instructional coach at White Oak Middle School, (2) a teacher at White Oak Middle School, (3) a teacher at Pine Valley Middle School, and (4) a teacher at West Fork High School
Consideration of Superintendent's Contract
Consider, discuss and conduct Level 3 Appeal Hearing of the former Athletics Operation Coordinator and potentially deliberate and render a decision on same.