September 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Open Forum
Closed Meeting
Personnel Matters [Government Code 551.074]
Attorney Consultation [Government Code 551.071]
Deliberation Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property [Government Code 551.072]
Superintendent's Report
Reports and Proposals of Board Members
Consent Calendar
Consideration of Minutes
Consideration of Finance Reports
Accounts Payable & Cash Disbursements
Budget to Actual
Tax Office
Budget Amendments
Consideration of Purchasing Reports
Consideration of Request for Proposal for: RFP 124.19 Electrical Supplies, Equipment and Services for Renewal
Consideration of Request for Proposal for: RFP 125.19 HVAC Supplies, Equipment and Services for renewal
Consideration of Request for Proposal: RFP 114.18 Plumbing Supplies and Equipment (Extension)
Consideration of Board Awarding RFP: 149.20 Contracted Professional Development Services for Renewal
Consideration of Board Awarding RFP: 150.20 Instructional Software & Online Learning for Renewal
Consideration of Personnel Reports
Professional, Paraprofessional and Auxiliary: Resignations, reassignments, employment, substitute lists;
Consider Amendment to 2021-2022 New Caney ISD Appraiser List
Consideration of Approval of School Health Advisory Council Nominees
Consideration to Approve the Montgomery County 4-H Continuance Resolution
Consideration of Local Policy Updates
Consideration of Approval of Seventh Grade Reading Instrument Waiver for 2021-2022 School Year
Consideration of Resolution Submitting Nominee(s) as Candidate(s) for the Election of the Montgomery Central Appraisal District's Board of Directors 2022-2023 Term
Consider Resolution of the Board of Trustees of New Caney ISD Nominating a Candidate for a Position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District
Consideration of Approval of Additional Cost of Material Needed to Manufacture Lockers at New Comprehensive High School #3
Consideration of Approval of Application of a School Closure Waiver for New Caney ISD for September 14, 2021 due to Hurricane Nicholas
Consideration of Resolution for September 14, 2021 due to Hurricane Nicholas
Consider Amendment to 2021-2022 New Caney ISD Compensation Plan
Consider and take possible Action to Pursue Sanction for Contract Abandonment by: (1) a teacher at Pine Valley Middle School
Consider, discuss and potentially take action upon the administration's proposal to terminate the contract of a Teacher/Coach at Woodridge Forest Middle School