August 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Community Forum
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting June 17, 2013
V.B. Minutes of Called Board Meeting June 26, 2013
V.C. Minutes of Called Board Meeting July 3, 2013
V.D. Tax Roll Changes
V.E. Expenditures
V.F. Budget Amendments
VI. Discuss Projected Revenue Estimates for 2013-2014
VI.A. Discuss Working 2013-2014 Draft Budget
VII. Discuss Employee Compensation Policies and Schedules
VIII. Consider Tax Rates to be Published
VIII.A. Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate
VIII.B. Interest and Sinking Tax Rate
IX. Consider Date to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Budget and Tax Rates
X. Consider Financial Report
X.A. Review Preliminary FIRST Rating
XI. Consider School Property/Liability/Fleet Insurance Proposals
XII. Consider Bids/Proposals
XIII. Review Preliminary Campus Master Schedules
XIV. Personnel Discussion per Texas Govt. Code ยง551.074
XIV.A. Resignations
XIV.B. Hiring Recommendations
XIV.C. Employee Discussion
XIV.C.1. Consider Superintendent Contract
XV. Adjourn