August 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Community Forum
V. Consider Consent Agenda Items
V.A. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - July 21, 2014
V.B. Called Board Meeting Minutes-July 31, 2014
V.C. Financial Report
V.D. Tax Roll Changes
V.E. Budget Amendments
V.F. Expenditures
VI. Approve the School Vendor List
VII. Public Hearing to Discuss the 2014-2015 Proposed Budget
Mike Jones
VIII. Public Hearing to Discuss the Proposed Tax Rates
VIII.A. M & O Tax Rate - $1.04
VIII.B. I & S Tax Rate - .18359
IX. Consider Approving School Budget
X. Consider Approving Tax Rates
X.A. Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate - $1.04
X.B. Interest and Sinking Tax Rate - .18359
XI. Consider Fund Balance Designations
XII. Consider EI (LOCAL) Academic Achievement
XIII. Consider FMH (LOCAL) Student Activities Commencement
XIV. Consider Policy Update 100 Affecting Local Policies (see attached list)
XV. Consider Teacher Appraisal Calendar
XVI. Consider Designating Primary and Secondary Teacher Appraisers
XVII. Consider TEA Approved Innovative Course in Student Leadership
XVIII. Review Campus Schedules
XIX. Consider Bids and Proposals
XX. Personnel Discussion per Texas Govt. Code 551.074
XX.A. Resignations
XX.B. Hiring Recommendations
XX.C. Employee Discussion
XXI. Adjourn