July 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Community Forum
V. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
V.A. Regular Meeting June 20, 2011
VI. Brent Hand Complaint Against Superintendent
VII. Discuss State Preliminary Testing Results
VIII. Discuss South Hovey Street Vacant School Property
IX. Discuss Projected Revenue Estimates for 2011-2012
IX.A. Discuss Current Year Revenues and Expenditures
IX.B. Discuss Draft 2011-2012 Budget
X. Policy Update 90, Affecting (LOCAL) Policies (See attached List of Codes)
X.A. TASB Instruction Sheet Localized Policy Manual Update 90
XI. Consider Tax Roll Changes
XII. Consider Expenditures
XIII. Consider Financial Report
XIII.A. Review Preliminary FIRST Rating
XIV. Consider Budget Amendments
XV. Consider School Property/Liability/Fleet Insurance Proposals
XVI. Consider Bids/Proposals
XVII. Consider Date to Hold Called Meeting to Set the Tax Rates to be Published
XVIII. Personnel Discussion per Texas Govt. Code ยง551.074
XVIII.A. Resignations
XVIII.B. Hiring Recommendations
XVIII.C. Employee Discussion
XVIII.D. Discuss Staffing Patterns and Shared Campus Assignments
XIX. Adjourn