March 8, 2021 at 8:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and after a quorum has been established, recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the invocation.
2. Public Comment as allowed by BED(LOCAL)
3. Consent Items
3.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 8, 2021
3.B. Naming a representative to the Region VII ESC Advisory Committee for 2021-22
3.C. Accept donation from Tatum Athletic Booster Club
4. Reports, Discussion and Information
4.A. Superintendent
4.A.1. A+ Employees
4.A.2. COVID-19 Update
5. Action Items
5.A. Consider and Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the Tatum ISD Board of Trustees Election May 1, 2021.
5.B. Consider and Approve the Order of Cancellation for the Tatum ISD Election of May 1, 2021.
5.C. Consider and Approve Request for 40% Campus Hybrid Instruction for 9th-12th Grade Students Waiver
5.D. Consider and Approve Resolution Relating to Payment of All School District Employees During a Weather Emergency Requiring the Complete Closure of District Facilities and Resolution Providing for the Approval and Authorizing the Filing of Application For Missed School Day Waivers to the Texas Education Agency.
5.E. Consider and Approve Technology Purchase
6. In executive session, the Board will consider personnel matters as allowed by the Texas Government Code § 551.074 involving the resignation of professional personnel, contract renewal for school administrators, and contract renewal for term and probationary contract employees.
6.A. The Superintendent will inform the Board of resignations accepted.
6.B. The Superintendent will recommend contract renewals for School Administrators.
6.C. The Superintendent will recommend the Board renew contracts for term and probationary contract employees.
7. Adjourn