June 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Announcement by the Board whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
3. Public Participation as allowed by BED(LOCAL)
4. Consent Items
4.A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 12, 2015
4.B. EIC(LOCAL) Academic Achievement Class Ranking
4.C. Memorandum of Understanding with City of Tatum for School Resource Officers
4.D. Program Evaluation: Special Programs
4.E. Resolution Extending Depository Contract
4.F. Attendance Waiver
4.G. Budget Amendments
5. Action Items
5.A. 2015-16 Compensation Plan
5.B. Superintendent Performance Goal: Secondary Counseling Program
5.C. Team Building Training Topic
5.D. Delegate and Alternate Delegate for 2015 TASA/TASB Convention
6. Discussion Items
6.A. 2015-16 Budget Planning
6.B. FNCE(LOCAL) Student Conduct Personal Telecommunications/Electronic Devices
6.C. Policy Update 102, affecting (LOCAL) policies:
6.C.1. CDA(LOCAL) Other Revenues Investments
6.C.2. DBB(LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions/Medical Examinations and Communicable Diseases
6.C.3. DEA(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Compensation Plan
6.C.4. DEAA(LOCAL) Compensation Plan Incentives and Stipends
6.C.5. DEAB(LOCAL) Compensation Plan Wage and Hour Laws
6.C.6. DEE(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Expense Reimbursement
6.C.7. DFFA(LOCAL) Reduction in Force Financial Exigency
6.C.8. DHE(LOCAL) Employee Standards of Conduct-Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing
6.C.9. FNC(LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct
6.C.10. FO(LOCAL) Student Discipline
6.D. Region VII ESC Service Agreements 2015-16
6.E. TISD Board Team Operating Procedures
7. Information Items
8. Executive Session
8.A. Real Property: Purchase of Property
9. Reconvene from executive session for action relative to items covered during executive session.
9.A. Real Property: Purchase of Property
10. Adjourn