August 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
V. Superintendent Comments and Campus Reports - Principals
V.A. Principal Reports
V.A.1. Student Attendance
V.A.2. Campus Activities
V.B. Superintendent Report
V.B.1. Date of Next Board Meeting
V.B.1.a. Public Hearing/Special Meeting--Monday, August 29th, 7PM
V.B.2. Board Training Opportunities
V.B.2.a. Safety Training Required by September 1
V.B.2.b. August 23, at Region 16
V.B.3. Facilities
V.B.4. Transportation
VI. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
VI.A. Financial Report/Expenditures/Budget Amendments
VI.B. Reclassification of Delinquent Student Debt for Unpaid Meals
VI.C. Cafeteria Meal Prices
VI.D. 2022-2023 Proposed Tax Rate
VI.E. 2022-2023 Budget Discussion
VI.F. Resolution for Designation of Fund Balance
VI.G. FIRST Rating Preliminary Report
VI.H. Extending the Property Insurance Contract with PCAT--Property Casualty Alliance of Texas
VI.I. Armstrong BOD Ballot
VI.J. Discuss and Approve Athletic Trainer Contract
VI.K. Approve Region 16 Contracts for 22-23
VI.L. Select TASB Representative for Region 16
VI.M. Approve Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 22-23
VI.N. Approve Resolution for the District of Innovation.
VI.O. Discuss Improving School Safety/Security
VI.P. Discuss possible Installation of New Intercom for the Elementary Campus
VI.Q. Personnel Update
VII. Action on closed session items (If needed)
VIII. Adjournment