April 18, 2024 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Opening Ceremonies
Open Forum (Community Input)
Consent Agenda
Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)
Approve payment of bills
Approve Interlocal agreement between Meadow ISD and Morton ISD for Morton to collect money for and provide meals for Meadow ISD students who may be assigned to Morton ISD by SPECO.
Principals Report
1. Elementary 2. Secondary |
Superintendent's Report
Facility Update
Financial Report
1. Bank Balances 2. Pledged Securities 3. CAD 4. Lone Star 5. Tex Pool |
Board Report
New and Follow-Up Questions
1. Van update 2. Bus purchase 3. Compensation for 2024-25 school year 4. Water bill consolidation 5. Health Insurance Changes 6. Instructional Coaching Academy 7. MIA- Meadow Incentive Allotment |
Discussion / Action Items
1. Personnel: Consider Superintendent Recommendations regarding the employment and contract status of classroom teachers and other non-administrative professional personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074) A. Action to hire secondary staff B. Action to hire elementary staff C. Action to re-employ or terminate probationary contract employees D. Propose non-renewal term contract employees, if any E. Employee resignations: F. Discussion of contracts and employee agreements for employees for 2024-25 2. Consider/Approve District calendar for 2024-25 school year. 3.Consider/Approve Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials Survey for 2024–25 school year. 4. Consider/Approve door replacement project for approximately $225,000.00 |