May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establishment of Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Open Forum
5. Recognitions/Presentations/Board discusssion/Policy/Recommendations
5.a. Honoring the 2022-2023 Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
Jack Parker
5.b. Recognition of STUCO earned recognition from TEXAS Association of Student Councils (TASC).
5.c. Recognition of Globe Teacher
5.d. Q&A with Robbie Benson, on the role of the district SRO.
Robbie Benson
5.e. Principals Report
5.f. Superintendent's Report
5.g. Safety & Security Audit Executive Summary. (ACTION ITEM)
5.h. Consider/Approve adding Laura Field, as an investment officer for the District. (ACTION ITEM)
5.i. Consider/Approve adding Laura Field as investment officer for Texpool. (ACTION ITEM)
5.j. Consider/Approve adding Laura Field as an investment officer of Lone Star Investment pool. (ACTION ITEM)
6. Financial matters
6.a. Consider/Approval of the Region 8 Interlocal Bid Agreement for SY 2023-2024 for Commodity Processing and Food Purchasing Cooperative Programs. (ACTION ITEM)
6.b. Consider/Approve renewal of CAS Worker's Compensation Plan. (ACTION ITEM)
6.c. Cash & Investment Report
6.d. Budget Comparisons
6.e. Tax Collection Reports
6.f. Consider/Approve purchase of a truck with lift gate for the food service dept (ACTION ITEM)
6.g. Budget Amendments (ACTION ITEM)
6.h. Discussion of changing bank signees from board president/secretary to Superintendent/business Manager.
6.i. Consider/Approve bank signees from board president/secretary to superintendent/business manager. (ACTION ITEM)
7. Minutes from previous meeting (ACTION ITEM)
8. Personnel matters
8.a. Hiring (ACTION ITEM)
8.a.1. Business Manager
8.a.2. Intermediate School Principal
8.a.3. Assistant Principal Middle School
8.a.4. Other Contracts
9. Closed Session
10. Adjournment