October 12, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establishment of Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Hearing - School F.I.R.S.T. Rating - Interested parties that have signed the request to address the Board concerning the F.I.R.S.T. report will be recognized by the President to speak at this time. Financial Goal #1
5. Open Forum
6. Recognitions/Presentations/Board discusssion/Policy/Recommendations
6.a. Campus Principals Report.
6.b. Superintendent's Report Various Goals
6.c. Consider and Approve Texas School Safety Center - District Safety Audit. (ACTION ITEM) Safety and Security Goals #1, #2, #3 and #4
6.d. Consider and Approve Behavioral Threat Assessment Team. (ACTION ITEM) Safety and Security Goals #2 and #3
6.e. Consider and Approve Legal Counsel Contract-Karczewski/KBS Law Group. (ACTION ITEM) All Goals
6.f. Consider and Approve Asynchronous Plan. (ACTION ITEM) Student Achievement Goals #1, #2 and #3
6.g. Board Member Training Hours.
6.h. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument. All Goals
7. Financial matters
7.a. Cash & Investment Report Finance Goals #3
7.b. Budget Comparisons Finance Goals #4
7.c. Tax Collection Reports Finance Goals #4
7.d. Budget Amendments (ACTION ITEM)
7.e. Approval of Investment Policy (ACTION ITEM) Finance Goals #31, #4 and #5
7.f. Consider and Approve/Adopt Resolution - District Investment Officers. (ACTION ITEM) All Finance Goals
7.g. Investment Training Providers (ACTION ITEM) Finance Goals #1, #4 and #5
7.h. Resolution Amending Authorized Texpool Representative (ACTION ITEM) Finance Goals #1, #4 and #5
7.i. Interlocal Agreement with National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company, dba Omnia Partners. (ACTION ITEM) Finance Goals #1, #4 and #5
8. Minutes from previous meeting (ACTION ITEM) Various Goals
9. Personnel matters
10. Closed Session
The Board shall convene in closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act: Texas Government Code Section: 551.074
11. Adjournment