November 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Public Hearing on State Compensatory Education Designated Funds & EOC Remediation Evaluation
Dr. Leslie Holtkamp
1.B. Public Hearing on State Compensatory Education Designated Funds & EOC Remediation Evaluation
3.A. Welcome
3.B. Pledges of Allegiance
3.C. SPOTLIGHT Recognition
3.C. Elementary Teacher of the Month
3.C. Secondary Teacher of the Month
3.D. Citizens' Comments
3.E. Standing Committee Updates
3.E. Intergovernmental
3.E. Superintendent
3.F. Items for Discussion and/or Action: Consent Agenda
3.F. Consider Approval of Annual Purchasing Cooperative Report
3.F. Consider Approval of Meeting Minutes for October 5 and October 19, 2020
3.F. Consider Approval of Bills Paid, Financial Statements and Purchasing Report for October 2020
3.F. Consider Approval of Closeout of the BHS Blue Controls Replacement Project
3.F. Consider Approval of Annual Purchasing Cooperative Report
3.G. Items for Discussion and / or Action: Regular Agenda
3.G. Business Services
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Schematic Design for Intermediate 3
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Schematic Design for the Maintenance and Transportation Facility
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval Recommendations for the Floor Replacement in Gym 1 and Hallways Around Gym 1 at Bryan High from the May 2020 Hail Storm
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Schematic Design for the Maintenance and Transportation Facility
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Schematic Design for Intermediate 3
3.G. Discuss and Consider Approval for the Floor Replacement in Gym 1 and Hallways Around gym 1 at Bryan High from the May 2020 Hail Storm
3.G. Teaching & Learning
3.G. Consider Approval of Proposed Revisions to Policy EIC (LOCAL)
Mrs. Donna Willett and Mr. David Reynolds
3.G. Consider Approval of the Proposed Revisions to Policy EIC (LOCAL)
3.G. Consider Approval of a Purchase Request Over $50,000 for Cardonex
3.G. Closed Session
3.G. Review and Discuss 2020 Safety and Security Audit
3.G. Review and Discuss 2020 Safety and Security Audit
3.G. Discuss Issues Related to the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
3.G. Discuss Issues Pertaining to Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
3.G. Review and Discuss the Proposed Non-Renewal of a Teacher at the End of the 2020-2021 School Year
3.G. Discuss and Consider Appointment of the Board Officers for 2021
3.G. Reconvene in Open Session
3.G. Consider and take Possible Action on the Proposed Non-Renewal of a Teacher at the End of the 2020-2021 School Year
3.G. Consider and take Possible Action on the Board Officers for 2021
4. Board Goal Update for Safety & Security
5. Elementary Literacy Update