November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors.
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes - Oct 7, 2024 & Oct. 18, 2024
5. Presentations
5.A. Staff Members of the Month
5.B. Students of the Month
5.C. Principal Recognition
5.D. JRBT presentation of the 2023-24 Audit
5.E. Teacher Incentive Allotment program presentation.
Amy Leech
6. Public Comment
7. Action Items:
7.A. Consider and take possible action to approve the Audit from Jaynes, Reitmeier, Boyd & Therrell, P.C. for the 2023-24 School Year.
7.B. Consider and take possible action to approve the Campus Improvement Plan.
Melissa Marbut
7.C. Consider and take possible action to approve the District Improvement Plan.
Melissa Marbut
7.D. Consider and take possible action to approve 2025-26 Region 10 ESC Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement.
Jennifer Moseley
7.E. Consider and take possible action to allow Superintendent authorization to renew electrical contracts.
7.F. Consider and take possible action to approve the City of Whitney Emergency Management Interlocal Agreement.
7.G. Consider and take possible action to approve Hill County Emergency Management Interlocal Agreement.
7.H. Consider and take possible action to approve adding a stipend for the Paraprofessional positions in the Behavior Unit.
7.I. Consider and take possible action to approve a bid for the Elementary Roof to be painted.
8. Information Items:
8.A. Summary of findings from the Intruder Detection Audit.
9. Superintendent's Report:
9.A. Financial Statements
9.B. Payment of bills
9.C. Tax Report
9.D. Enrollment
9.E. Resignation: Sarah Thompson, Kevin Fisher, Russell Gauer- May 2025
9.F. Correspondence
10. Closed Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 as amended, in accordance with the following sub section(s) : 551.071, 551.072 & 551.074
10.A. Hire New Personnel
11. Action Items/Open Session
11.A. Consider and take possible action to approve new personnel.
12. Adjournment