June 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledges to Flags
5. Citizen Open Forum
6.A. May 1, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
6.B. May 15, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.C. Financial Report for May 2023
6.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve Budget Amendments for May 2023 - No Budget Amendments for May 2023
6.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve CISD Monthly Investment Report
6.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve payment of Invoices for May 2023
7.A. Campus Updates
Lorianne Toombs - CES/CMS
Rebecca Russell - CHS, Wallace HS |
8.A. The newly elected Board members will be issued the Certificate of Election. Jerri Kimball, Notary Public, will issue the Statement of Elected/Appointed Officer and the Oath of Office.
8.B. The Board will elect a President, Vice President and Secretary.
8.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve action on ranking of architectural & engineering service firms for the Baseball & Softball Fields and Related Amenities Project.
8.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve school projects as presented by Spectrum Scoreboards.
8.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve Credit by Examination for the 2023-2024 school year
8.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve moving the July 2023 Board Meeting to July 17, 2023. The meeting will consist of a Budget Workshop at 4:00 p.m. and a Regular Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
8.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve Adult Meal Pricing for the 2022-23 school year.
8.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve Fuel Management System
8.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve CISD Staff Survey
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8mHfVsn1qkSJyW_bt_6_a_UxmggCO1c8Or6WRwmWpMyIOFQ/viewform |
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve Overview of Accountability Data
10.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Bryan D. Porter for the amount of $354.00 to purchase property being all that certain Lot Twenty-four (24), Block Thirty-seven (37) of the Waddell and Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Record in Volume 164, Page 263 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R22020)
10.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Bryan D. Porter for the amount of $422.00 to purchase property being all that certain part of the North Halp (N/2) of Lot Three (3) and the North Half (N/2) of Lot Four (4), Block Thirty-six (36) of the Waddell & Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Record in Volume 146, Page 241 and Volume 321, Page 781 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R22006)
10.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Israel & Margarita Garcia for the amount of $301.00 to purchase property being all that certain a tract of land out of the Nortwest corner of Block Nine (9) of the Dunn Snyder & Mooar Addition to the City of Colorado City located in Mitchell County, Texas and being particularly described in that certain Deed of Record in Volume 298, Page 83 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R19356)
10.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Latoya G. Taylor for the amount of $300.00 to purchase property being all that West Twenty-one Feet (W21') of the South One Hundred Thirty Feet (S130') of Lot Two (2) and East Eighteen Feet (E18') of the South One Hundred Thirty Feet (S130') of Lot Three (3) in Block Thirty-four (34), Waddell & Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas (R21915)
10.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Cinthia Quezada for the amount of $2,250.00 to purchase property being all that certain Lot One (1) in Block Twenty-nine (29) of the Dunn, Snyder & Mooar Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas being that property more particularly described in Vol.308, Page 606 of the Deed Recods, Mitchell County, Texas (R19454)
11.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve TASB Update 121
12.A. The Board will convene in Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purpose of discussing personnel and the duties of public officials, Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.076 for the purpose of discussing safety and Texas Open Meetings Act, and Texas Government Code Chapter 551.072 the Trustees may convene in closed session to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value or real property.
12.B. The Board will consider recommendations of personnel.
12.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve - Team of 8 Board Operations Procedure (DRAFT)
13.A. Information/Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates.
13.B. Information/Remarks: Superintendent
13.C. Information/Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
14.A. Adjourn