December 12, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledges to Flags
5. Citizen Open Forum
6.A. November 14, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. Financial Report for November 2022
6.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve budget amendments for November 2022 - No budget amendments for November 2022
6.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve CISD Monthly Investment Report for November 2022
6.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve payment of invoices for November 2022
•Lorianne Toombs, Colorado Elementary, Colorado Middle School
•Rebecca Russell, Colorado High School and Wallace Acc High School |
8.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve resolution creating the Jayhawk Reinvestment Zone No. 1
8.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve resolutions creating the Zeus Renewables Reinvestment Zone No. 1 and No. 2
8.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve to adopt Findings under the Texas Economic Development Act for the Application of Jayhawk Solar LLC for an Appraised Value Limitation on the Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
8.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve a job waiver request from Jayhawk Solar LLC
8.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve an Agreement with Jayhawk Solar LLC, for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
8.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve to adopt Findings under the Texas Economic Development Act for the Applications of Spade Wind I and Spade Wind III for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
8.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve job waiver request from Spade Wind I and Spade Wind III
8.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve to conditionally approve Agreements with Spade Wind I and Spade Wind III, for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes
8.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve an overview of the district's partnership with CEN - Dr. Kim Alexander and Dr. Rachel McClain will be in attendance to discuss this with the board
8.J. Discuss/Reject/Approve a presentation from John Hampton with Christian Halls
8.K. Discuss/Reject/Approve - School Board President will distribute the Framework for School Board Development to each current member of the Board and the Superintendent
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve student outcomes and performance
9.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve District safety report - standards from State regarding safety protocol for facilities
10.A. Discuss/Reject Approve a bid from Kevin Quezada for the amount of $3,155.00 to purchase property being all that certain all of the West Ten Feet (W 10') of Lot One (1) and all of Lot Two (2) of the B.B. Mcguire Subdivision of Block 107 of the Original Town of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas and being more particularly described in that ceratin Deed of Record Volume 763, Page 590 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R18431).
10.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Juventino Abreo & Jessica A Abreo for the amount of $501.00 to purchase property being all that certain West Seventy Feet (W 70') of Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) in Block Thirty-one (31) of the Original Town of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of record in Volume 371, Page 334 of the Deed records of Mitchell County, Texas (R17861).
10.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Juventino Abreo & Jessica A Abreo for the amount of $527.00 to purchase property being all that certain the West Half (W/2) of the South Half (S/2) of Lot Four (4), Block Eight (8) of the Waddell & Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of record in Volume 142, Page 481 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R21771).
10.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Jesse L. Rivera, Jr. for the amount of $350.00 to purchase property on the East Sixty Feet (E60') from the East Side (E/SD) of South One-Half (S/2) of Lot Three (3), Block Seven (7), Waddell-Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas being that property more particularly described in Volume 240, Page 277 of the Deed Records, Mitchell County, Texas (R21747).
10.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Jesse L. Rivera, Jr. for the amount of $1,000.00 to purchase property on the West Side (W/SD) of the South Half (S/2) of Lot Three (3), Block Seven (7), Waddell & Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas being that property more particularly described in Volume 297, Page 253 of the Deed Records, Mitchell County, Texas (R21749 combined with 21746).
10.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Whit and Wonder, LLC for the amount of $450.00) to purchase property on the South Fifty Feet (S50') of the East Eighty Feet (E80') of Lot One (1), Block Sixty-two (62), Original Townsite, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas being that property more particularly described in the Probate File #1701 and #2548, Mitchell County, Texas (R18048).
10.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Debbie Rivera for the amount of $600.00 to purchase property being all that certain Lot Seven (7), Block Three (3) in the Austin Heights Addition #1 in the Town of Colorado City, located in Mitchell County, Texas and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Record in Volume 800, Page 1079 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R19061).
10.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Joseph Stephens for the amount of $1,000.00 to purchase property being all that certain 0.73 Acres, more or less, out of Section Forty (40), Block Twenty-Six (26), T&P RY CO Survey to Mitchell County, Texas, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of record in Volume 727, Page 790 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R13409).
10.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Robert P. Urantia for the amount of $2,000.00 to purchase property being all that certain Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in the H.C. Blassingame Waterfront Subdivision, A Subdivision out of Section Thirty-nine (39) and Forty (40), Block Twenty-seven (27), SURFACE ONLY, Mitchell County, Texas and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of record in Volume 713, Page 232 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas (R25283).
12.A. The Board will convene in a Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purpose of discussing personnel.
12.A.1. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations for certified staff
12.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve Superintendent evaluation and contract
13.A. Information: Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates.
13.B. Information: Board members may submit requests for information to be considered at the next regular board meeting
13.C. Information: Remarks: Superintendent
13.D. Information: Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
14.A. Adjourn