October 13, 2014 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledges to Flags
5. Citizen Open Forum
6.A. September 8, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. Financial Report for September 2014
•Melinda Alexander, Kelley Elementary
•Julian Castillo, Hutchinson Elementary •Robby Russell, Colorado Middle School •Mark Merrell, Colorado High School •Steven Reese, Wallace Accelerated High School
8.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve School Bond Project as presented by Compass Builders
8.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve the 2014-2015 District Improvement Plan
8.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve the 2014-2015 Campus Improvement Plans (SIP Plans are included for Kelley, Hutchinson and Colorado Middle School.)
8.D. Information: Results of the July STARR End of Course (EOC) and TAKS retests
8.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve school silent auction for the sale of surplus items in the district
8.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve Germblast proposal for Colorado ISD
8.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve amendment to the Wellness Policy
8.H. Information: Update from Chief Aguilar in regards to the Resource Officer Grant
9. Finance
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve Budget Amendments for September 2014 - No Amendments for the month of September 2014.
9.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve Investment/Cash Report for September 2014
9.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Picciano Family Business, LLL of $300.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County located being all of those certain Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 145 of the Joseph E. Brown's Extension in the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
9.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Picciano Family Business, LLC of $375.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County located being all that certain East 50 feet of the West 125 feet of Lots 2, 3 and 4 in Block 1 of the J. W. Pearson Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, SAVE AND EXCCEPT the West 75' being conveyed and being further described in that certain Deed recorded in Volume 127, Page 329 of the Deed Records of Mitchell County, Texas.
9.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Hall Dickard of $1,200.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County located at 711 E. 2nd Street, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
9.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Alenco Construction & Development LLC of $100.00 for property held in trust by the City of Colorado City located being all of that certain Lot 11, Block 7, of La Union Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
9.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Alenco Construction & Development LLC of $150.00 for property held in trust by the City of Colorado City located being all of that certain Lots 4-6, Block 14, of the La Union Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
9.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Alenco Construction & Development LLC of $100.00 for property held in trust by the City of Colorado City being all of that certain Lots 7-12, Block 14, of the La Union Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
9.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from Alenco Construction & Development LLC of $100.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County located being all of those certain Lots 10 and 12, Block 4, Austin Heights Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.A. The Board will convene in Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purpose of discussing personnel.
10.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations for certified staff.
11.A. Information: Payment of invoices, September 2014.
11.B. Information: Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates.
11.C. Information: Remarks: Superintendent:
•Staff News - •Enrollment •Legislations, Rulings, Court Decisions, Finance •Board Training - •Construction |
11.D. Information: Board members may submit requests for information to be considered at the next regular board meeting
11.E. Information: Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
12.A. Adjourn