September 9, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Determination Of Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge Of Allegiance
5. Citizen Open Forum
5.A. PUBLIC HEARING: A public will be held on the School FIRST rating, a financial management report that explains the district's performance under each of the 20 indicators and the district's rating and the 6 required disclosures. Information: Reggy Spencer, Superintendent, will present information to the Board regarding the 2013 Financial School FIRST rating. The 2013 rating is based on information from the 2011-2012 school year.
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda.
6.A. August 1, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
6.B. August 12, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.C. August 19, 2013 Special Meeting
6.D. August 29, 2013 Special Meeting
6.E. Financial Report August 2013
Melinda Alexander, Kelley Elementary School
Julian Castillo, Hutchinson Elementary School Mark Merrell, Colorado Middle School Dalton West, Colorado High School Steven Reese, Wallace Accelerated High School
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve credit by exam testing dates.
10.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve the Annual Report for Tax Collections for the 2012-2013 school year (2012 tax year).
10.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $100.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County as being all that certain Lot 17 in Block 11 of the Dunn, Snyder and Mooar Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC, in the amount iof $90.00 for property held in trust by Colorado ISD as being all of that certain Lot 8 in Block 2, a subdivision of Lots 5 & 6, Block 34, Waddell & Martin Addition to the Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $130.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County as being all of that certain East 40' of Lot 12, Block 33, Original Town to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $125.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County as being all of those certain Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in the East half of Block 9 of the Dunn, Snyder, and Mooar Addition located in the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County.
10.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $100.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County as being all of that certain Lot 10, Block 69, Original Town to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC in the amount of $100.00 for property held in trust by Mitchell County as being all of that certain West 60' of Lots 11 and 12 of the Ellis subdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Block 107 of the Original Town to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC in the amount of $100.00 for property held in trust by Colorado ISD as being all of that certain East 44' of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14, Block 121 of the Brown's Extension to the town of the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve a bid from John Lomeli, representative of Jolam Enterprises, LLC in the amount of $100.00 for property held in trust by Colorado ISD as being all of that certain 50 x 100 feet in the East side of the S/2 of Lot 5, Block 8, Waddell & Martin Addition to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas.
10.J. Discuss/Reject/Approve the bids received for RFP#13-1069 Sale of Surplus Property.
10.K. Discuss/Reject/Approve Investment Report August 2013
11.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations for certified staff.
11.B. The Board will convene in Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purpose of discussing personnel.
12.A. Information: Payment of Invoices, August 2013
12.B. Information: Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates.
12.C. Information: Remarks: Superintendent:
•Staff News •Enrollment •School Projects - Bond update •School Board - Training |
12.D. Information: Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
13.A. Adjourn