May 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Invocation
IV. Open Forum
V. Approval of Minutes of April 11, 2022 and April 25, 2022
VI. Review of Financial Reports
VI.A. Investments
VI.B. Bills
VI.C. Budget
VI.D. Cafeteria
VI.E. Transportation
VI.F. Enrollment
VI.G. Amendments and Transfers
VII. Superintendent Report
VII.A. Hear presentation from FCCLA students
VII.B. Hear presentation from Stan Chapman
VII.C. Hear a cafeteria report from Tracee Herbstritt
VII.D. Graduation
VII.E. Discuss date of June Board Meeting
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
VIII.A. Approval of Amendments and Transfers
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Discuss and Act on reorganizing the board
IX.B. Hire Personnel
IX.C. Discuss and take action on allowing 4-H to use the land on Highway 83
IX.D. Approve changes to the pay scales for 2022-2023 school year
IX.E. Discuss and take action on hiring AD/Head Football coach
IX.F. Discuss and take action on purchase of the land at the Intersection of FM 268 and FM 2530
X. Principal Reports
XI. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session (TGCS 551.074)
XI.A. Personnel
XI.B. Exit Executive Session
XII. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items
XIII. Adjourn