May 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Mr. Gary Johnson
2. Pledge of Allegiance: United States & Texas - Mr. Gary Johnson
3. Introduce New Employees - Ms. Lindsey Bryant
4. Open to Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes of Board Work Group Meeting of April 20, 2022 - Mr. Gary Johnson
6. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 26, 2022 - Mr. Gary Johnson
7. Action Items:
7.A. Committee Reports
7.A.1. Personnel Policy Committee - Mr. Bruce Shearer
7.A.1.a. Consideration of and Possible Adoption of the Proposed redistricting plan for the College’s seven single-member trustee districts and the proposed plan for the College’s two single-member trustee megadistricts, including specification of an effective date.
7.A.1.b. Consideration and possible exercise of the option in the Texas Education Code Section 130.0826 to permit trustees in office when a redistricting plan is adopted to serve for the remainder of their terms.
7.A.2. Finance Committee - Mr. Gary Johnson
7.A.2.a. Consider and Approve Transfer of Funds from Odessa College Endowed Scholarship to Foundation
7.A.2.b. Consider and Approve Funding Downtown Phase 1
7.B. Consider and Approve Reorganization of the Board- Mr. Gary Johnson
7.C. Consider and Approve Appointment of Independent Auditors- Ms. Brandy Ham
7.D. Monthly Financial Statements & Budget Amendments - Ms. Brandy Ham
8. Informational Items:
8.A. Education Report - College Life Coaches- Ms. Ashley Warren
8.B. Institutional Effectiveness Report - Blair Roberts
8.C. Vision 2030+ Update - Mr. Ken Zartner
8.D. President's Report - Dr. Gregory Williams
8.D.1. Student Profile
8.D.2. Record Graduation May 14 and 15
8.D.3. Ross Elementary Invasion
8.D.4. Employee of Excellence Award Winners
8.D.5. Promise Program Event
9. Adjournment - Mr. Gary Johnson