August 10, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call/Establish a Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiances to the US Flag and the Texas Flag
5. Public Forum/Comments to Board - (Invitation to address the Board- Time Allocation to be specified by the Board President)
6. Items for Information/Reports
6.A. Superintendent's Report
6.A.1. Building and Grounds Committee meeting update
6.A.2. Update on the hiring of new staff
6.A.3. Next regular board meeting will be held on September 14th.
6.A.4. Review Student Handbook
6.A.5. Review Technology Handbook in Particular the Acceptable Use Policy
6.A.6. Review District Employee Handbook
6.B. Director of Programs and Curriculum Reports
6.B.1. Monthly Budget Report
6.B.2. Tax Collection Report
6.B.3. Investment Report
7. Items for Action/Discussion
7.A. Consider approval of the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on Monday, July 13, 2015 and the Special Board Meeting that was held on July 21, 2105.
7.B. Discussion of 2015-2016 Budget
7.C. Consider the Proposed 2015 Tax Rate for Inclusion in the Notice of Public Meeting to discuss the 2015-2016 Budget and the 2015 Tax Rate
7.D. Consider using Action Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy for training needs
7.E. Consider action on the selection of the TASB Delegate for the TASA/TASB Convention
7.F. Consider approval of the 2015-2016 Student Code of Conduct
7.G. Consider action on possible budget amendment(s)
7.H. Consider setting future board meeting dates
7.I. Consider approval to allow Ballinger Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center to use our buses to transport residents and employees to another facility in the event they have to evacuate due to an emergency.
7.J. Consider approval to allow Ballinger Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center to use the Ballinger Junior High and Ballinger High School facilities as an alternate shelter in case of an emergency.
7.K. "Consider and Take Action to Order Of Special Election for Single-Member District 4 on November 4, 2014 and to Authorize the Interim Superintendent to Enter Into All Contracts and Agreements Necessary to Effect Such Election."
“Considere Una elección especial por medio esta ordenado realizarse el dia 4 de noviembre del 2014, en el condado de Runnels, Texas por el proposito de elegir a un miembro del consejo escolar para: Un termino de un ano no vencido, miembro solo district 4 y para autorizarle al interim superintendente para celebrar todos los contratos y convenios necesarios para efectuar dicha elección.”
7.L. Consider Action to approve the replacement of the fiber optic cable that has been damaged by a previous storm.
7.M. Consider approval of Board Policy EIC(LOCAL) Academic Achievement Class Ranking and DEC(LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences
8. Executive Session
8.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 552.0821, deliberation and possible action regarding a matter involving a public school student which may reveal personally identifiable information about the student.
8.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
8.C. Ratify the resignations of employees that have been received by the Superintendent
9. Return to open meeting and take any action deemed necessary upon discussion in the closed meeting.
10. Official Adjournment