October 18, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Establish Quorum
1.C. Pledges to the United States and Texas Flags
1.D. Moment of Silence
1.E. Open Forum
2.A. ACTION: Approval of Minutes
3.A. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to establish a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and appoint Council members.
3.B. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the Rural Schools Innovation Zone (RSIZ) Performance Contract Goals.
3.C. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to add a position for an Assistant Principal.
3.D. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to direct the Superintendent to have a dialogue with Linebargar Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, to explore additional methods for delinquent tax collection.
3.E. INFORMATION: COVID-19 Update - Mr. S. VanMatre
3.F. INFORMATION: Board of Trustees Training and Continuing Education Hours
4.A. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve architectural design for Premont Collegiate High School Renovation and move to receive bids for pricing of different packages.
4.B. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to review the District's Investment Policy and adopt a Documentation Resolution.
4.C. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve two applications received from Jim Wells County Appraisal District for tax refunds.
4.D. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the offers for two tax sale properties.
4.E. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the Student Transportation Services Agreement with Texas Rural Student Transportation, LLC for the 2021-2022 school year.
4.F. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of two used 71 passenger school buses from Lockhart I.S.D.
4.G. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the amendment to the August 2017 McLemore Agreement for Janitorial Services.
4.H. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of Chromebooks and Teacher Laptops.
4.I. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve budget amendment(s)/designated fund balance.
4.J. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to accept donation(s) to the District.
4.K. INFORMATION: Cash Flow Projection
4.L. INFORMATION: Comparison of Revenue to Budget-Year to date
4.M. INFORMATION: Quarterly Investment Reports
5.A. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve the Early College Program Memorandum of Understanding with Del Mar College for the 2021-2022 school year.
5.B. INFORMATION: Montessori Virtual Academy Update - Ms. Kristina Lopez
The Board will now convene in a closed meeting to discuss items as allowed by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551:.071-.076, .082, .0821, .083, .084 |
6.A. Discuss Superintendent's Contract Employment with Board of Trustees.
6.B. Discuss appointments, resignations, reassignments, terminations, and changes for contractual and non-contractual positions and personnel.
6.C. District-wide Security Procedures.
7.A. ACTION: Discussion and possible action on Superintendent's Contract Employment with Board of Trustees.
7.B. ACTION: Discussion and possible action to approve recommendations regarding appointments, resignations, reassignments, terminations, and changes for contractual and non-contractual positions and personnel.
7.C. ACTION: Discussion and possible action regarding District-wide Security Procedures.