October 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order and Establish Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition
3.A. Junior High Student Artwork
Melissa Knight, Art Teacher at Junior High
3.B. Leopard Pride Students of the Month
3.C. Employee of the Month
Beray Zendejas-Colin, Junior High
3.D. Elementary Teacher of the Month
Keli Royal, Chalmers Elementary
3.E. Secondary Teacher of the Month
Madison Davidson, Junior High
4. Audience Items
4.A. Public Comment on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
5. Superintendent Report
5.A. National Principals Month
5.B. National Custodian Day
5.C. Enrollment & Attendance
5.D. October PAC Meeting Summary
5.E. Long-Range Facility Planning
5.F. 2023-2024 School Calendar Committee
6. Information Items
6.A. GISD Delinquent Tax Collection Report & 2022 Turnover Analysis - Reporting Period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
Corey Fickes, Linebarger Attorneys at Law
6.B. Curriculum and Instruction Update
LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
6.B.1. Campus Improvement Plans
6.B.2. Targeted Improvement Plans - Junior High, Intermediate, and Chalmers
6.B.3. English Learner Program Evaluation
7. Action items
7.A. Consider and Possible Approval to Amend the Approved 2022-2023 Budget
7.B. Consider and Possible Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) 221012 - Maintenance
7.C. Consider and Possible Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) 221012 - Transportation
7.D. Consider and Possible Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) 221012 - Local Vendors
7.E. Consider and Possible Approval of Request for Proposal (RFP) 221012 - Shirts, Decals, and Signs
7.F. Appoint Members to Serve on the Student Health Advisory Council
8. Consent Items
8.A. Minutes of Regular, September 19, 2022
8.B. Monthly Bill List
8.C. Financial Statement
8.D. 2022-2023 Amended NCTC / GHS Dual Credit Crosswalk
8.E. JC Commercial Payment Application No. 8 - GISD Warehouse & Distribution Center
9. Executive Session
9.A. Personnel TGC 551.074
9.A.1. Hiring of Professional Personnel
9.A.2. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument and Timeline
10. Reconvene in Open Session for any necessary action on items discussed in Executive Session
11. Adjourn