March 21, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
3. Public Hearing
3.A. Texas Academic Performance Report 2020-2021
LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction will present the report and then citizens that wish to address the board regarding the report will be allowed five minutes of discussion.
4. Recognition
4.A. Edison Elementary Student Artwork
Whitney Galubenski Vogl, Art Teacher
4.B. Leopard Pride Students of the Month
Leslie Crutsinger, Director of Communications
4.C. Employee of the Month
William Hendricks, Junior High
4.D. Elementary Teacher of the Month
Juanita Cabral, Edison Elementary
4.E. Secondary Teacher of the Month
Deontre Haynes, High School
5. Audience Items
Public Comment on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
6. Superintendent Report
6.A. Enrollment and Attendance
6.B. COVID-19 Update
6.C. Board Goals 2022-2025
7. Information Items
7.A. Curriculum and Instruction Update
LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
7.A.1. mClass Mid-Year Report
7.B. Maintenance & Operations Update
Joe Warren, Director of Maintenance and Operations
8. Action items
8.A. Consider and Possible Approval of Quote to Purchase Playground Equipment for Head Start
8.B. Consider and Possible Approval of Quote to Replace Computer Lab PCs and Teacher Workstations at Edison, Chalmers, and Intermediate Schools
9. Consent Items
9.A. Minutes of Regular, February 22, 2022
9.B. Monthly Bill List
9.C. Financial Statement
9.D. Quarterly Investment Report
9.E. Budget Amendment
9.F. J.C. Commercial, Inc. Payment Application #1 - GISD Warehouse and Distribution Center
10. Executive Session
10.A. Personnel Considerations TGC 551.074
10.A.1. Contract Recommendations for Assistant Principals, Teachers, Counselors, Nurses, and Librarians
10.A.2. Hiring of Professional Personnel
11. Reconvene in Open Session for any Necessary Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session
12. Adjourn