January 25, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
3. Audience Items
3.A. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
4. Action Items
4.A. Consider and Possible Approval of the GISD Annual Financial Audit - Year Ending August 31, 2021.
Judy Smith, Schalk & Smith, PC
4.B. Order Board of Trustees Election for May 7, 2022.
4.C. Consider and Possible Approval of Contract for Election Services and Agreement to Conduct Joint Election Between Cooke County and Gainesville ISD.
5. Executive Session
5.A. Personnel Considerations TGC 551.074
5.A.1. Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
6. Reconvene in Open Session for any Necessary Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session
7. Adjourn