August 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Request for Approval of Agenda
III. Citizen's Forum
IV. Financial Reports
V. Discuss and Approve Budget Amendments
VI. Discuss and Adopt Budgets for the 2024-2025 School Year
VII. Discuss and Adopt Tax Rate for the 2024-2025 School Year
VIII. Update on Kermit ISD Bond Projects by Gallagher & Associates
IX. Update on Kermit ISD Bond Projects by Parkhill
X. Discuss and Consider Approval of Invoice #15218 to J & R Electric in the Amount of $2,953.00 for the Kermit Junior High School HVAC Project
XI. Discuss and Consider Approval of Invoice #15224 to J & R Electric in the Amount of $2,214.00 for the Kermit Junior High School HVAC Project
XII. Discuss and Consider Approval of Invoice #15225 to J & R Electric in the Amount of $2,857.00 for the Kermit Junior High School HVAC Project
XIII. Discuss and Consider Approval of Invoice #15228 to J & R Electric in the Amount of $1,869.00 for the Kermit Junior High School HVAC Project
XIV. Bond Planning and Action as necessary to carry out these plans
XV. Discuss and Consider Approval of 4th Quarter Pro-Rate Share to the Winkler County Appraisal District in the Amount of $34,816.31
XVI. Consider Action on Washer and Dryer for Field House
XVII. Discuss and Consider Purchase of HVAC for Walton Field Football Locker Room
XVIII. Consider Purchase of Water Heater for KHS Campus
XIX. Consider and Take Action on Landscaping Options at Junior High Football Field
XX. Discuss and Consider Action by Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott to File Suit on Delinquent Property Tax Accounts
XXI. Superintendent Discussion
XXI.A. September Board Meeting Date - 9/11/2024
XXI.B. TASB Conference - September 27 - September 29, San Antonio, Texas
XXII. Recess
XXIII. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Following Sections of the Texas
Open Meetings Act 551.074, 551.072, 551.076: Personnel matters related to the consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors and Principals. |
XXIV. Take Appropriate Action related to the personnel matters related to the
consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, reassignment and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors and Principals. |
XXV. Adjournment