February 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledges of Allegiance
IV. Request for Approval of Agenda
V. Citizen’s Forum
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting, Budget Amendment, Investments and Bank Accounts Report, Approve Check Payments List Excluding Checks: 48373 and 48433
VI.B. Approve Lentz-Edwards Conflict of Interest Checks - 48373 and 48433
VII. Discuss and Approve Call of Kermit ISD Trustee Election
VIII. Discussion and Possible Action to Retain JG Consulting for the Purpose of Developing the District's Strategic Plan-Presented by James Guerra, President & CEO
IX. Pony League "Needs Assessment" Update-Presented by Eli Alvarado of Alvarado Architects & Associates
X. Discussion and Possible Action to Purchase Trailer for FFA
XI. Discussion and Possible Action to Amend DC (Local) on a First and Final Reading to Allow Superintendent to Hire Classroom Teachers
XII. Academic Information
XII.A. Discuss and Consider Resolution to Approve Campus Turnaround Plan for KES
XII.B. Discuss and Consider Resolution to Approve Campus Turnaround Plan for KJHS
XIII. Information Items
XIII.A. KISD Work Orders - January 2020
XIII.B. KISD Monthly Enrollment Report – January 2020
XIII.C. Utility Usage
XIII.D. Leadership Team Times
XIII.E. Monthly Tax Collections - January 2020
XIII.F. Superintendent Discussion
XIII.F.1. Team of 8 Training - February 19, 2020 - Dinner @ 6:30pm and Training begins at 7:00 pm
XIII.G. General Obligation Debt Report
XIII.H. Arbitrage Compliance Report
XIII.I. 2019 Texas Comptroller Property Value Study
XIV. Correspondence
XV. Recess
XVI. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Following Sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.129: Personnel matters related to the consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, contract extension, reassignment, and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors, and Principals. Discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.
XVII. Take Appropriate Action related to the personnel matters related to the consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, contract extension, reassignment, and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors, and Principals. Pursuant to the Following Sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act 551.071, 551.072, 551.074 and 551.129. Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
XVIII. Adjournment