December 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1) Call to Order and Establish Quorum
2) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3) Consent agenda
(All items on the consent agenda will be considered as one item. Board members may ask questions
about any item on the consent agenda and/or may request that an item be removed from the consent agenda and
considered individually. Any item removed from the consent agenda will be considered for approval immediately
following the consent agenda.)
3)A) Approval of Agenda
3)B) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
3)C) Report of Bills
3)D) Financial Report
4) Recognition and Awards
4)A) DECEMBER ~ Outstanding Indian Award
Recognition of outstanding effort, character, or achievement.
5) Reports and Updates
5)A) Technology & Operations Report
Mr. Prater
5)B) Accountability, Curriculum, and Testing
Mrs. Cook
5)C) Financial Report
Mrs. Griffith
5)D) Campus Updates
Mrs. McIntire, Dr. Woody, Mr. Lee
5)E) Report on Board Members Progress Toward Continuing Education Requirements
5)F) Superintendent Updates: Mr. Lewis
6) Open Forum
7) New Business - None
8) Executive Session (Tex. Gov Code 551.001)
Convene in Closed Session under TX Open Meetings Act, TX Gov Code, Chapter 551, Sections: 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.0785, 551.082, 551.0821, 551.084, 551.087.
Reconvene to Open Session for action relative to items considered during Closed Session. |
8)A) Personnel Business (Tex. Gov Code 551.074)
8)A)1) Consider/Action to Approve Employee Resignations/Retirements
8)A)2) Consider/Action to Hire Employees
8)B) Student Discipline (Tex Gov Codes 551.082, 551.0821)
8)C) Legal Matters (Tex. Gov Code 551.071)
9) Adjourn