September 25, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Board Safety Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Calhoun County ISD's Safe and Supportive Schools Plan
3.A. Review Calhoun County ISD's Emergency Operation Plan Summaries, Including
Multi-Hazzard Annex (FEMA) Inlcuded Localized Multi-Hazard Annex Train Derailment/Transportation or Road Appendix Severe Weather Annex Flood/Hurricane Appendix Communicable Disease Annex Infectious Disease Appendix Psychological Resilience Active Threat Annex Active Shooter Appendix |
4. Information Items
4.A. New Requirement - Bullying Prevention Chart, Vape Prevention Data
4.B. New Legislation - Discussion of 2023-2025 Expectations
5. Closed Meeting
5.A. 551.076 - To deliberate; the deployment, or specific occasions for the implementation of security personnel or devices; or a security audit.
5.A.1. Consider Safety Needs Assessments from 2023 Audit
6. Reconvene From Closed Meeting
7. Adjournment