April 10, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
5. Campus Spotlight
5.A. Calhoun High School
5.A.1. CHS Athlettics - Sandies and Sandcrab Powerlifting Teams
5.A.2. CHS Academic UIL Team
5.A.3. CHS Art Program
6. Audience With Individuals Making a Report or Request
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes of March 6, 2017 Board Meeting
7.B. February 2017 Financial Statement
7.C. Out of State Trip for Calhoun High School for 2017-2018
7.D. Property Tax Resale Deed and Resolution
7.E. Textbook Adoption for 2017-2018
7.F. Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2017-2018
7.G. Texas Educational Employers Benefit Cooperative Agreement and Resolution
7.H. Consider/Approve Optional Homestead Exemption
7.I. Consider/Approve List of Surplus Materials for Auction
7.J. Consider/Approve Food Service Management Company Annual Contract Renewal
8. Regular Agenda
8.A. Board Team of Eight Training
8.A.1. District Goals and Vision
8.B. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Bond Projects Status and Bond Budget Update
8.B.1. Summary of Financial Activity
8.B.2. Current Financial Forecast
8.B.3. Summary of Design & Construction and Planned Activities Activities
8.C. Consider/Approve A Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Bid Package R for Travis Middle School
8.D. Consider/Approve Resolution Adopting Various Codes Applicable to the Projects as Required by TEA for District Campuses in Unincorporated or Other Areas without Adopting Building Codes
8.E. Discuss/Approve Prevailing Wage Rate Recommendation per Section 2258.022(a) of the Texas Government Code
8.F. Discuss Evaluation of Building Enclosure Commissioning Services Qualifications for Travis Middle School Addition and Consider/Approve Authorization of the Superintendent to Negotiate and Enter into Contract with the Selected Proposer
8.G. Consider/Approve Electrical Service Upgrade for Calhoun High School Athletic Building
8.H. Consider/Approve Donation for Port O'Connor Elementary School Baseball Field
8.I. Discussion on Declaring CCISD's Two Concrete Mixer Trucks as Surplus Items
8.J. Consider/Approve 2017-2018 Teacher Salary Schedule and Recruitment/Retention Plan for CCISD
8.K. Consider/Approve District of Innovation Plan for CCISD
8.L. CCISD School Calendar for 2017-2018
8.M. CCISD 2017 Summer School Program
8.N. Consider/Approve Board Policy Changes, Affecting (Local) Policies FD; 1st Reading
8.O. Policy Update107-Affecting (LOCAL) Policy, 2nd Reading
8.P. Discussion/Possible Action on CCISD Facilities Rental Fees
9. Information Items
9.A. Superintendent's Reports
9.A.1. Enrollment/Attendance Reports
10. Closed Meeting
10.A. 551.074 - To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, dismissal, or duties of a public officer or employee.
10.A.1. To consider employment and resignations of CCISD personnel.
10.A.2. Consider Granting or Terminating Employment Contracts of CCISD Instructional Personnel
10.A.3. Consider employment of non-chapter 21 personnel
10.B. 551.071 (2) – As authorized by Texas Government Code 551.071(2), for the purpose of conducting a private consultation with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
11. Reconvene From Closed Meeting and Take any Action Deemed Necessary Based Upon Discussion in Closed Meeting
12. Adjournment