April 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Call to Order, Roll Call, Declaration of Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance of the United States Flag
2. Recognitions & Presentations
Regional Track Qualifiers; Deric Torres, Ryan Schuenemann, Braylon Williams, Olivia Hobbs, Paisley Perez, Danielle Wilson. Regional Tennis Qualifiers; Derric Torres, Danielle Wilson, Tractor Tech Team: Mason Tessman, Ryan Schuenemann, Connor Metting, Jason Quinn, Qualified for State Competition on the 29th and 30th |
3. Public Comments
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Donations
4.B. Approve minutes of previous meeting
4.C. Approve monthly expenditures
4.D. Financial Update
5. Items for Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action
5.A. Approve Special Education Interlocal Agreement.
5.B. Approve the Powel Law Group : Legal Sevices Program Agreement
5.C. Emat Certification
5.D. Approve Hourly rate for Election workers.
5.E. Approve Election Officials
5.F. Designate Fund Balance for Busses and Auxilary Vehicles.
5.G. Designate fund Balance for future land acquisitions.
6. Principals Report
7. Superintendents Report
8. Adjourn to Closed Session
8.A. For the Purpose of considering matters for with closed sessions are authorized by Chapter 551.071-551.084, Texas Government Code, where upon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President has prepared the agenda to present the Board's consideration or discussion the following matter(s):
8.A.1. Consult with the Districts attorneys on any matter on the agenda
8.A.2. Discuss and consider purchase of real property
8.A.3. Discuss and consider the resignation, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duites, discipline, and/or dismissal of public officer or employee.
8.A.3.a. Teacher Contracts
Designate Fund Balance for Future Land Aquisition.
8.A.3.b. Auxiliary Staff
8.B. Return to Open Session
8.C. Adjourn